Happy New Year, Friends!
The year 2025 has brought what I plan to manifest for the rest of my life.
First, health. Emotionally, physically, mentally. I finally reconnected with friends. Unfortunately it wasn’t under the best circumstances. Some circumstances were. And, I had a long talk with my mom. I tell you what. I felt like a great weight had lifted off my heart and my mind. Yeah, some things might pop back up and try to drag me down, but I have the tools and support that can help me better handle those times when it happens.
Second, business as usual. But, it’s what I’m putting my all into. I will admit I’ve slacked off a little bit. That’s because I became more focused on the job that pays me instead creating my own job that will pay me right. There have been some set backs (the accountant I mentioned before.) That’s another story.
Since Kindle Vella will be no more, I’m searching for somewhere else I can publish my writing and get some good feedback. Plus a little monetary compensation doesn’t hurt. I was thinking of going back to Wattpad. Then Smashwords. I have the first book of the Nightshade series on a website named Reedsy. But, it’s not like Kindle Vella. You’re searching for editors, agents, etc. They also have writing contest. I’ve been thinking of doing a few.
Honestly, I was trying to do something like Kindle Vella for my website. But, I’m not sure yet or how to go about it.
The crochet side of things, for me is definitely going to change. I have noticed for some time now that some people don’t understand why handmade artists charge what they charge for their creations. We are entrepreneurs also trying build a business. We want to be paid for our time and labor.
What I feel about this is that you get what you pay for. You pay for quality. You pay for something no one else has and it’s unique to that customer. But, for those who understand that. Thank you. My neighbor and good customer always tells that I’ll find my audience. It takes time. That’s where we are with that.
Third, more changes to the website. I know I mentioned this before, but as soon as figured out how to do this (after researching it’s pretty easy) I’ll create a store. Maybe use Shopify or just create it here. I’m still starting from the ground up. Even though I’ve had my EIN since 2011 and I’m doing this alone.
I won’t be doing anymore newsletters. I feel like I have my blog. So, if I need to tell y’all something, I can do it here. Plus you don’t have to wait three months to hear from me.
I’ve decided to make things more opinionated. Maybe that’s not the word I’m looking for. I guess free is a good. Hopefully, y’all will join in. I’ve been too busy following business plans for blogs. What to do and what not to do. I’ve just decided to do you, boo!
This isn’t Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or the other sites. I still don’t want to have anything inappropriate or hurtful to kids. No crazy stuff. We can be kind and still agree to disagree
As the year progresses and I bring this blog to an end, I wish joy, blessings and prosperity to all.
Until next time, friends…
I forgot to mention that I’ve signed up for Bluesky and I’m still on Spill. Those are two of the social media sites I’ve been frequenting.